Project - Hanoi urban Transport Development Project

 The Socialist Republic of Vietnam receive a loan from IDA and  ODA from GEF to spend on HUTDP, and plan to use a part of this fund to pay for the implementation technical assistance contract, audit, supervision, and assessment of achieved results of the HUTDP. The purpose of the project is to enhance flexibility, safety, effectiveness, and sustainability of traffic in some key areas in Hanoi via (i) increasing the rate of using public transport on some chosen roads ( normally by increasing the transportation capacity on road); and cutting off  movement time [for all traffics] on the road linking the city center with the West and North West of Hanoi [The West of The West Lake].

 The overall scope of work of the consultation service is consulting knowledge on the transport organization, management, and operation in general and BRT in particular. In which, the task of holding in-service training for officials appointed to work with consultants about the contents of this support service.






The Client: Hanoi PMU

Location: Hanoi

Donor: WB

Status: On going

Partner: : Consia Consultants (Denmark)

Service: Transport and urban Development