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Project - Design/Layout Road Safety Education Materials


» Carry out Road Safety Education Material Review.

» Identify Road Safety Requirements and Educational Delivery Requirements.

»  Analysis of the Ratings Obtained and Summarize the Findings

» Selection of Pilot Project Schools; Assessment of Knowledge Level.

» Develop Questionnaires to Assess knowledge Level; Assessing Teach’ Knowledge Level; Testing of Student’ Knowledge Level.

» Carry out Curriculum Auditing; Study and Analyze the Current Delivery Practices & Define the Purpose of Road Safety Education Framework & Strategies.

» Define the Role & Responsibilities of Road Safety Education.

» Develop Fundamental Strategies for Road Safety Education State the Objective & Rationale of Strategy 1: Program Management; Strategy 2: Material Development; Strategy 3: Teacher Preparation; and Strategy  4: Protective Behaviour

» Identify the Key principles for Sustainable Road Safety Education.

» Preparation of Comprehensive Road Safety Education Framework & Strategy Report

» Design of Material & Programs

» Establish the guiding Principles for Effective Road Safety Education.

» Prepare the Components of the Proposed Material Development.

» Identify the Developmental Stages for Children

» Analyze the Road Safety Education in Community Context

» Structure the Curriculum Placement & Teaching

» Identify the Contribution of Deliverers  of Road Safety Education

» Prepare the Material for Road Safety Education

» Carry out Graphical Design / Layout for the Prepared Education Materials


Project Information

Service: Road Safety

Location: Hanoi

Status: Completed 

Client: TSPMU